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About Workspaces

Everything you need to know about your Workspace on Plann

Tom avatar
Written by Tom
Updated over a month ago

Workspaces are how we organize accounts into separate groups.

Plann’rs can be invited to multiple Workspaces and can navigate between them using a single login.

Each social account can only belong to one Workspace. This means the owner of the Workspace where the account was first connected is responsible for the management of that social account (i.e. inviting team members, managing their access level, etc.)

Each Workspace can only have a single owner & Workspace owners can manage their Workspace by:

  • Connecting as many social accounts as their subscription allows

  • Inviting as many team members as they pay for (psst... a paid subscription is needed to do this, here’s how to upgrade)

  • Assigning individualized access per social account for invited team members

  • Editing Workspace names and attributing a Workspace type (e.g. Individual, Business or Agency.)

View & Edit your Workspace:

To view and edit your Workspace information you can click on "Settings" and view details such as your registered email, Your Brands, your subscription type, your payment method, and more.

You can learn how to add, manage, or remove the team members on our support article here.

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